We have puppies on Minna von der Blockhütte
and Don von der Greifenwacht
Minna has thrown 6 males and 4 females
Thai von der Blockhütte has been distinguished on the 26th of February, 2012 with the title Pakistan winner.
Owners: Ali Zain and Rana Ali
Runa von der Blockhütte has been decorated with the title „Europasiegerin 2011“.
Owners: Günter Lukas
In June 2010 Ulix von der Blockhütte has been decorated with the title „Polnischer Klub Jugend Sieger“. Congratulations!
Owner: Adam Haase
Lui is decorated with the title „Deutscher Champion ADRK“ on 28th of May 2010.
Runa von der Blockhütte has been decorated with the title „Schweizer Klub Jugend Siegerin 2009“.
Owners: Günter Lukas
Ixa von der Blockhütte has been decorated with the title „Internationaler Schönheits Champion FCI“.
Now she keeps the following titles: INT. / DT. (ADRK) / DT. VDH- Champion.
Lui has been decorated with the title „Deutscher Champion (VDH)“.